Wednesday, June 29, 2005


not that she will ever read this but... i just wanted the world to know that today is my mommy's bday. on this day, JUNE 29th, some 56 years ago, the most beautiful woman in the world was born (she also gave birth to two of the most beautiful women to roam the earth!). the greatest mother in the world if u will...forget being a daddy's girl, im truly a momma's girl! i wonder what her hubby has planned for her today.

on another note. PLEASE BELIEVE its time to start cutting them off. THEM meaning those people that serve no purpose in life... i mean ure life... other then to piss you the f*&^ off and make you want to strangle them. ive had it with a certain associate. shes so inconsistent, full of s*&^ and just trying my soul at the very moment. so, in order to preserve my relatively good spirit, im going to add her to the list. what list? the "please do not talk to me unless you are ready to die" list. my list isnt that long, hell!... she's the only one on it...*shaking my head*.

last night... i saw HIM...yes yes yes. "schmoe" came to the rescue and damn... was the chemistry there or what? there was so much chemistry that our protons, electrons and neutrons were ready to engage in some ionic compound that i soooo can not describe. LMAO. crazy. i was standing outside of glo on W.16th street, not even trying to get into the draft after party because i was soooo smitten and engaged in conversation with schmoe. man... it wasnt even conversation, it was straight lusting, flirting, staring in each others eyes, at each others lips, eyes roaming across bodies type s*&^. i was sooo withdrawn from the club that i barely noticed the 6'7 draft picks coming out of stretch limos entering the club ( i said barely, but please understand that i DID notice). schmoe is sexi. he is a lil' shorter then my standard but he has a lot that is making up for where he lacks. as for now, im going to continue to float on cloud 9. please please please dont interrupt...

...signing off with a smile*


Blogger NIKKI D.City Star said...

If this was'nt the sweetest post..awww! Happy B-Day Momma B.Havin lol, Im a Mommy's girl too.. So I feel you on the Momma-Luv tip.
Im glad that your "Schmoe" is too your likings, I know how fine them Newyorkers are (umm, flashback) I wish you many more days of infacuation and may your outer most ring remain full with electrons and you two never become an isotope (im a science major).

6:32 PM  
Blogger Sherece said...

whoa whoa whoa... between all the chem in your post and in Nikki's comment, y'all lost me... but it sounded pretty slutty. LOL.

Hey... get it while it's hot!

9:05 PM  
Blogger G. Cornelius said...

Happy BDay...And Ms Chemistry (shaking head)...LMAO...I'll keep you posted

4:50 AM  

LMAOOOOO @ everyone.

Cymple - Nik Nak lost me too. I didnt do too well in Chemistry... :o(

8:54 AM  

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