The adventures of...
Muhammad and Deeptat,
Babatunde and Ayodiji,
Lamar and Travis,
Shameek and Dequan (LMAO)
Ezekial and Hezekiah,
Jebediah and Soloman,
Lamar and Travis,
Shameek and Dequan (LMAO)
Ezekial and Hezekiah,
Jebediah and Soloman,
Stewart and Harley,
Gregory and Marcus,
Elvin and Roy!!!!!
also known as : Missbhavin and Sasssssyyyass! We are fools. Fools i tell u. I dont know how it started, or when it will end, but Sassy and I have a funny game we play. She will call/ IM/email/ or text me and say :
Sass: Ya there Howard?
Me: Yeah Herman, Im here!
and we do this atleast 3 times a day! Its funny. we crack each other the hell up with the dumb ass names we come up. Last night, we were trying to figure out why we dont call each other by girl names... maybe cuz it wouldnt be as funny! We were thinking of making up a blog to paste our daily conversations, cuz i swear we say some F.UNN.YYYY shit! Here is a lil snippet of our dumb convos:
Sass: shouldnt u be in bed tyrone?
Me: yeah Jamal but
Me: im up
Me: shooting the shit
Sass: well harpo, u need to go to sleep
Sass: no sense in being tired and hongree omorrow
Sass: no sense in being tired and hongree omorrow
Me: well phinneaus... im always hongree
Me: omorrow?
Me: lmao
Im reading this cracking the hell up! Heres another snippet:
Sass: oprahs friend gayle looks like a drag queen on the crusades
Me: hell yeah
Sass: lmao lmao lmao
Sass: what is wrong with u
Sass: lmao
Sass: lmao
Sass: lmao
Me: save this convo send it to me. time for bed!
Me: save this convo send it to me. time for bed!
Sass: ok latrell
Me: nite Malik
... can someone tell me why this is spaced the hell out!
...signing off with a smile*
... can someone tell me why this is spaced the hell out!
...signing off with a smile*
LOL You're right...I think yall are crazy. Then again, who am I to talk.
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