Thursday, January 27, 2005

Black Bitchhh... what I was called tonight by this old white man. OK so let me give you a play by play of tonights turn of events. So.. I got off the train into the BITTER cold of a NYC winter night. I usually stand in the chinese restaurant to stay warm while I wait for the bus ( yeah sucks big time). So I walked in the store like I do everyday, and when I walked in there was this blond hair, blue eyes white man sitting down waiting for his food. When I walked in he mumbled something under his breath but I didnt pay attention because I thought he was just being old and crazy. So, while im waiting, the chinese lady behind the counter calls the man to tell him that his food was ready. SO he goes up to get his food and proceeds to exit the store, but not without leaving me his regards:

Old White Man: Move out of my f*ucking way you black bitch... (as he walks out of the store)
Me: (watching him walk out wondering if i really heard what I heard and then opening the door) Go to hell!
Old WHite Man: What did you say to me???
Me: I said go the fuck to hell!
Old White Man: (coming back into the store) F*ck you you black bastard! You are in a white neighborhood!
Me: (no this man didnt) F*ck YOU!!!!! I dont give a f*ck where I am! God doesnt like ugly! And you are going to hell you racist pig!

... as this is going on im getting erratic! Those that know me know that I am quick to speak my mind, sometimes tooooo quick. But when I am upset there is NOO stopping me!

Old WHite Man: (with his hands IN MY FACE) YOU ARE A BLACK BITCH!!
ME: (turning around and picking up a folding chair) Mister I will f*cking kill you in this store!

... and then the Chinese man (I guess the owner) grabbed the chair out of my hand, and Old Racist proceeds to leave the store. Needless to say, I was soooo gone. I walked out of the store and called my mother. I could barely breathe nonetheless speak. I was hysterical and while I proceeded to tell my mother the story, she calmed me down with her everloving soothing voice! I forgot to mention that while im talking to my mother, im walking down the block following the white man. He went into the grocery store and i watched him like a stalker waiting to attack. He then went into a lawyers office, exited, and then walked his red neck ass down the block to his house. I know I was looking like a crazy woman, but I was sooo gone. I can make light of the situation now because I am relaxed but when im upset, im livid. That was my FIRST encounter with racism EVER! I went to a failry caucasion Catholic high school, and a predominately "majority" univeristy and never have I experienced anything like that in my life. Although im ok now, i know something is still bothering me... something is broken... i dunno if its my heart or if its my spirit, but trust me.. something is broken. That old racist white man took a part of me home with him...


Blogger Sherece said...

Wow, that's crazy!
And of course your psychopath and stalker tendencies came out... lol

8:58 PM  

Lol... I see someone has jokes!

10:15 AM  
Blogger Jdid said...

wow, thats pretty incredible. dont let it taint you forever though. lots of racist a.holes out there. dont let him take you down with him.

3:56 PM  

JDid... you are right. I wont let that experience affect how I act towards those of the other persuasion, but my eyes are a lil' more open to these issues!

12:34 PM  

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