Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Ramblings of the day...

Im just going to be rambling a lil bit about some things that have annoyed me, or have me perplexed or have me like "WHAT THE F***????"...

* Why is it so cold? Is it me or did the fall sneak up on my ass?

* Why are guys so damn dumb? I am a rather intelligent educated woman if I must say so myself and all I seem to attract is assholes. Do I have "Talk to me if you are a certified asshole" written on my forehead? Or am I just a dumbo magnet... someone tell me what the hell im doing wrong???

* So this guy asked me to do some PR work for him and his artist. I agreed. So im thinking that this man is goin to provide me with all of the information that I would need to fulfill my duties and do a good job. THis mofo IMED me today telling me to support him and his artist by purchasing his compilation CD online. WHAT????? Are you serious....Im not buying SH** that I think I should be getting to complete the task that you asked me to do for you. You have GOT TO be kidding me... Men I tell ya... (revert back to the previous star... asshole!!!) I dont think i should have to purchase that he should be providing me with in the first place. Please tell me if you think I am wrong....

* Only one week till election day guys !! VOTE OR DIE!! Where did Puffy get that bullshit from? I wonder if that mofo is going to vote. I bet you he didnt even know when election day was before he came up with this VOTE OR DIE plot to get money... This mutha....

...and those are my ramblings for today... I shall return!!!


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