Thursday, November 04, 2004

God Bless America

So the outcome that I had hoped for during this years Presidential election did not come about. I am still very pleased with myself and others in my age group for taking a stance and voting. Im even proud of the older folks coming out and voting. When I went to vote I sparked up a conversation with a man in his 60's that told me that it was his first time voting since the JFK and Nixon race. This election brought people out of the woodworks! Although I still believe that Puffy's vote or die campaign was another one of his successful ploys to get money, it did prove effective. Many youngsters I saw at the polls on Tuesday had on either vote or die t-shirts or the infamous Rock the Vote shirt.

After being glued to the television Tuesday night, watching as the President and Senator Kerry raced for the states, I felt more than ever intuned with what was going on. I felt like it was a do or die situation. I felt like it was one of the most important moments in my life (it was). Despite the fact that Bush was re-elected, I do feel that the increase in young voters and new voters in general will prove detrimental to Bush in the 4 years to come. As for now, we must not let this election falter our views or change how we come together for what we believe. Maybe with Kerry it would have been a lil easier for change, but we must play the hand that we are dealt. In the meatime, all we call do is continue to pray and ask the Almighty for his blessings because America is going to need all of the blessings that it can get for the next 4 years.


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